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Raw Vibrant Health

Light - Regenerative Detoxification Specialist & Lymphatic Iridologist. I support people on their journey to heal dis-ease and reclaim Raw Vibrant Health! Raw Food, A Fruit Based Diet, Juices, Fasting, Herbs, Lifestyle Changes, Emotional work etc can and will heal ANY conditions or blockages.

Detoxification, Consultation and Iridology Info

About Me

90 Minute Skype Video Consultation

In person
1 hour 30 minutes

90 minutes of space holding, support and guidance in a safe container. We will go deep into any issues you are having, any questions and create a clear game plan! We can talk about anything!!!

90 Minute Skype Video Consultation with Live Iridology Analysis

In person
1 hour 30 minutes

90 minutes of space holding, support and guidance in a safe container. We will go deep into any issues you are having, any questions and create a clear game plan! Please get me eye pics before session

30 Minute Skype Video Consultation

In person
30 minutes

30 min of space holding, support and guidance in a safe container. I can answer your questions and help as much as I possibly can in a very short period. We cant really get too deep in 30 min though.


In person
1 hour 30 minutes

1 hour discovery call, four 90 min consultations with on call support throughout. True healing cant be achieved in a short period of time. This is for those who are truly dedicated to healing!




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